If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat.

Just get on.



The type of guy to deliver Chick-Fil-A to your doors on a Sunday

I am a lucky person who escaped a third world country to pursue his dream and passion for tech, business, and bodybuilding. My dream consists of developing the following three paradigm shifts.

To disrupt the banking industry

I dislike the concept of how traditional banks succeed when users on their platforms fail.

To build a platform for Universal Basic Income

Some were born fortunate enough to start at the finish line and some were born too far behind to know what the starting line is. Let's create more opportunities.

To change how institutions identify people

Social security is an outdated system. With cryptograph advancements, why stick with something fragile and easily exploited?

Be with a team that builds the future

To accomplish my dreams, I hope to collaborate with those that care to advance society through fields such as data management (both Cloud and traditional databases), AI, blockchain, economics, and politics.


Micheal has a charismatic approach to leadership and just needs to take advantage of this trait.

Monika W.

Former Manager, CU Boulder

Mikey is the Buffalo of Wall Street.

Dexter W.

Project Manager, Atlassian

Mikey is the type of person who gets things done. The type of person that doesn't let his phone notifications pass two notifications.

Andy N.

System Administrator, City of Easthampton

Micheal could sell a f*cking mirror to a blind man.

Yu Z.

Software Engineer, Microsoft

He's more motivated to learn than anyone I know. If Mikey finds a job that's the right fit, he's going to take off fast.

Chris H.

Consultant, Apps Associate

To me, being "likable" is actually a culmination of many things - but the reason why Micheal is that way is because he is very agreeable, and easy to work with.

Joshua C.

Recruiting Specialist, Ibotta


I could either watch it happen or be a part of it.

Want to tickle, poke or make a dent to this world before we leave it? If you're a person who's passionate about changing this world someway somehow, I already like you! Let's talk and see what we can build together.